Log in if you have an account
Having an account with us allows you to check out faster in the future, view and track your orders, manage your wishlist and automatically signs you up for our rewards program so you will earn points on all purchases and receive special news and discounts!
Create an accountRewards Program
Creating an account on iluvthatstore.com automatically signs you up for our rewards program.
Signing up for our rewards program allows you to:
- earn points ($1 spent = 1 point) on in-store and online purchases
- receive a $10 reward for a later purchase for every $200 spent
- earn special discounts like a birthday reward
- access your account and check your balance and available rewards from anywhere
- stay up-to-date on the latest store info, sales, events and promos
Click HERE to sign-up!
If you already had an account with us on our old rewards system (before June 2020), your account information automatically transferred over. To login to your account and check your point balance, please follow the sign-up link above to "create an account." You must use the same e-mail address you originally signed up in-store with and it will automatically recognize and merge your accounts. If you have any issues or can't remember which email address you used, please contact us at [email protected]!
To check your account on your phone, visit pangaea.getreup.com on mobile
Please note: if you are having trouble logging into your account on mobile, please try on desktop. We are aware of this issue and working to fix it ASAP!